Transmitting Memories in Rwanda

Fr 20,000

Set against the backdrop of Rwanda’s breathtaking landscapes, this poignant memoir delves deep into the nation’s darkest chapter: the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, where over a million souls were extinguished in a mere 100 days. Claver Irakoze, who narrowly escaped the clutches of this atrocity as an 11-year-old, weaves a compelling narrative of survival, resilience, and rebirth. As he and countless Rwandans of his generation navigate the complexities of parenthood in a post-genocide era, Claver confronts the daunting challenge of transmitting memories without transmitting trauma.



Set against the backdrop of Rwanda’s breathtaking landscapes, this poignant memoir delves deep into the nation’s darkest chapter: the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, where over a million souls were extinguished in a mere 100 days. Claver Irakoze, who narrowly escaped the clutches of this atrocity as an 11-year-old, weaves a compelling narrative of survival, resilience, and rebirth. As he and countless Rwandans of his generation navigate the complexities of parenthood in a post-genocide era, Claver confronts the daunting challenge of transmitting memories without transmitting trauma.

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Claver Irakoze


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